YOUR 2013 Resolution. Live Your Dream
What type of body do you want in 2013?
What do you need to achieve the body that you want ? Lose weight? Tone your muscles?
Set your Relationship Goals for 2013?
If you are single what would make you happy?
If you are in a relationship what would make you happy?
If you are married what would make you happy?
Set your Financial or Work Goals for 2013?
Are you satisfied with your financial status or work?
What would be your ideal situation?
Set your Leisure Goals for 2013?
What would you love to do outside of work or daily tasks?
Where would you like to go in the world?
What do you dream of doing during your time off?
Set Your 2013 Health Goals Today
What did you achieve in 2012?
What do you want to do differently in 2013?What do you dream of doing when you finally change your health and achieve your goals?Write it all out below –

Set your goals today and look forward to kick-starting it on 2 January 2013 in Dr. Vie FREE VIP JumpStart Crash Course.
I think that this type of help will help me to succeed in reaching my 2013 goals.

(Check all that applies to you.)
Tell me how badly do you want to change your health? Tell me below.
Are you sick and tired of being out of shape?
Do you want to look good and feel sexy?
Do you want to get out and have fun without being embarrassed about your health/energy or looks?
Tell me in your own words, from the bottom of your heart:
When you have set your 2013 Health Resolutions above
enter your name and email then click
Register me for the draw for a free coaching session with Dr. Vie

Together we will succeed in reaching your health goals!
Have a wonderful rest of the year and have loads of fun.
With love and a big hug,
Always, Dr. Vie.

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Dr. Vie, I am eager to JumpStart my health on 2 January 2013