Dr. Vie food scientists secrets to boost life




Option One: Learn At Your Pace

21 Video Lessons 10 -12 minutes each.

Within Dr. Vie Super Conscious Membership

All you need is an internet connection, sound and video ability on your device and the eagerness to be way ahead of the food marketing and sales games:
Become a wise shopper for the right food,
Prepare your foods just right,  and
Enjoy eating the foods that support your life.




Option Two: Join Live Workshops 

Mind body makeover program with Dr. Vie
Alzheimer Caregiver’s Seminar with Dr. Vie
Dr. Vie natural foods workshop for diabetic & health conscious women 

3 hour session or weekend

Follow Dr. Vie on Facebook for information on her Global schedule and local sessions.




Option Three: Personal 1:1 Guidance by Dr. Vie
3 hour session or full day session to boost your life.

Karate teachers eat Dr. Vie Superfoods


Contact Dr. Vie to set up private sessions or video lessons or workshops.