You are currently viewing My 5000 km drive across Canada- creating awareness about health

My time was right, the decision was made. Planning started two days before in Montreal! What a journey it turned out to be. Breathtaking scenes.  Encounters with incredible people of all ages and all cultures. Learning about agriculture, energy turbines and more. I recommend the trip to all Canadians and foreigners like myself! It was a spiritual journey for me as I tapped into the depths of my soul all on my own during the +65 hours of driving, across the country called Canada. Going Jeep speed, wrangling it each day!


My journey started in Old Montreal, Quebec on a stifling hot day, with temperature of 35 degrees! My Jeep Wrangler was loaded with my cherished possessions including my vegan foods : Dr. Vie Boost Mocha, Sports Nutri, LuCoco dessert and my new favourite ChocoShok for children. Thank goodness for my foods which nourished me each morning after my early check out from the hotels and each afternoon  to keep me going until I reached each destination.

Thank goodness for GPS! Yups, lots of meandering through the towns and villages to get to the larger cities of Ontario.  My invisible navigator kept me on track with “Turn left, detour coming up, keep right, you have reached your destination,” and so on. The gas prices varied almost every 10 km! This fun Esso gas attendant was a delight to chat with in Ignace.

The drive to Thunder Bay was amazing and unexpected for me. I had no idea of the mountain ranges and the wonderful lakes around the area.  I was intrigued by a youngster who was cycling all the way from Victoria, BC to the Atlantic to raise funds for multiple sclerosis! He had completed 4000 km over one month, camping out each night and riding all through the day. A heart of gold for sure. I treated him and his buddy to some of my Dr. Vie Boost Mocha which they relished with joy.

My interviews of Chi Yoga instructor and our roving London reporter were a delightful reward in Thunder Bay. Two strong woman with deep compassion for our planet treated me to a lovely vegetarian dinner that evening. They are loyal consumers of my fresh superfoods and were hoping that I had some to share with them that day. Alas!

Their efforts to get some off me, failed! As I was trying to save the foods for my long journey across our great nation! Sorry gals! I did think of you each day as I relished my foods during my drive.  See you in London, Janet!


There was never a boring moment, perhaps just some dull moments when the sky was overcast and the rain came gushing down. BUT never a boring moment. One perk was meeting up with the Winnipeg band, Treble band in Thunder Bay. Cool music Yay! Thanks for the interview guys.

Yes never a boring moment. From the windy tortuous roads to flat open terrains. Each scene was splashed with tufts of hay on the road side, to cows grazing with their families.

I often wondered, whenever I watched the vast lands of Canada during weather forecasts, what each of those cities would be like…from Montreal, Winnipeg, Regina, Medicine Hat….to the Victoria. Suddenly I was experiencing it first hand! Far more exciting than watching spots on a weather map!

The people of Winnipeg were delightful and so hospitable. Thanks for another free delicious gluten free dinner from the Manager and staff at the Victoria Inn. Curiously enough this young woman was friends with the Treble band member whom I met in Thunder Bay! Small world, nespa!

If you are wondering: “How is she getting these free meals?”

Must be my aura! Yup I was riding on a spiritual high during my entire journey.

So I am wrangling it along from Manitoba to Regina and I see something in the distance. I begin to wonder what it is …as I get closer, lo and behold, there is a multitude of wind turbines scattered along the highway! What a wondrous site, so close to me, so massive, with such power! Such natural power!

If you are wondering why my pictures on the road are so spotted with debris? Yup, it is VERY difficult to keep your windscreen clean while driving long hours and the “debris” is actually insects that get in the way. Sorry, there is no way out of that scenario.

The drive en route to Regina was a learning experience for me. I learned about the salt farms and the brine shrimp that the IBA (important bird area) birds feast on.  A delightful guide, Hannah told me about the bright yellow fields that I passed along the way. YUP I was actually passing by quinoa fields. Now I know where the quinoa comes from.

Thanks Hannah for the interview and for the lovely wishes for our London Olympic girls. Hannah is role model for other youngsters as she works at the Tourist center in the small village of Chaplin with a population of 300.

Well as you can imagine I was having a great time eating delicious foods. I was feasting on my Dr. Vie Superfoods Boost, Nutri, dessert and ChocoShok for breakfast and for an afternoon snack and at times for lunch (smack in between rice cakes or gluten free bread). My dinners were very exciting. I got  meet some funky chefs also. Regina was the best. Thanks for the amazing meal guys.


Back to that weather map and a city I have always been curious about- Medicine Hat. The name conjured up all sorts of images in my mind of the medicine woman and explorers.

Well, during yet another free meal, this time at a fabulous healthy cafe (yes, the free food continued), I learned that Medicine Hat, Alberta was the land of oil, gas and the the world’s tallest tee pee!

My foods were also getting some input along the way. Click on the arrow on the video to get to meet some of the amazing people whom I befriended in Medicine Hat, Alberta.


By this time, I was really enjoying my journey so very much, and it dawned on me that it will soon be over! But not yet, so I just kept learning and reveling in the joy.

As I left Medicine Hat for Banff, I could not believe my eyes! The mountains took over the scenery. As most of you know, I am a mountain person! I love the mountains, I soar in spirit around the mountains. For the rest of my journey I would be blessed to be surrounded by mountains


Entering Banff National Park was very exciting. Of course I had my video rolling. Then lo and behold just I was approaching the hotel, a lovely deer was crossing the street in front of me. The perfect welcome to perfectly natural picture. Can you see her?

Again my experience with the folks here was so lovely. The air was so fresh, there were mountains on every turn of my head. I was in heaven! My meditations throughout my journey were getting stronger and I was feeling so peaceful. It was actually over 6 years since I had time truly for myself! What a setting to be in!

The drive from Banff through Lake Louise was magical. I had to stop at so many sites to take in the beauty.

Yup, even this little Glacial fellow was on his hind legs to greet me! I though he was going into a Hatha yoga pose before his meditation! Alas, I learned that he was serenading his partner a foot away. Adorable.

This youngster was working during the summer at the Glacier park! What a treat to talk to her and to share her life for those few moments.

Well wrangling it along on the highway, I notice a massive sign “Welcome to BC,” so I pull up to find a few Indian guys hovering there. I get them to pose for me and get a delightful interview with them and tons of good wishes for our London olympic team. Thanks guys from India!

Did I say that I was never bored? Yup lots of interesting passers by – driving along to Kamloops.

The weather took a turn at this stage. Lots of rain and treacherous driving all the way to Vancouver. But ah, such amazing views. The next morning I met an inspiring First Nations soul in the gym. She had changed her life through exercise! What an amazing story. Thanks for the interview!

If you are wondering about the interviews that I have been doing throughout my trip – I will be posting some on the site, on facebook and the rest into a full movie of my special journey. So stay tuned.

By this part of the journey the rain had set in quite steadily and at times very heavy.

Alas, in such weather, accidents are inevitable! One such accident occurred close to Vancouver.

So my journey of 5000 km, +55 hours of driving culminated in Vancouver. The memories that I carry are speckled with the wondrous scenes of lakes, mountains, animals, agriculture, quinoa fields, wind turbines, cyclists, seniors, kids, students, achievers and so much more.

Personally, I was meditating along the way, experimenting with various methods, delving into my soul and tapping into pure peace. I was on my own across Canada. I learned so much about myself and our planet. I hope to share my discoveries with you during Dr. Vie Academy webinars, conferences and seminars.

I was blessed to complete this journey successfully.

What is your journey going to be?

What bridge will you cross, what mountain will you traverse?

I would love to know.

With love



Dr. Vie, Scientist & Founder of Dr. Vie Academy

Planet Earth