You are currently viewing Dr. Vie olympian Jasmin Glaesser wins gold at Mexico World Cup Jan 2013

(Aguascalientes, MEX – January 18, 2013) Canada started its 2013 UCI Track Cycling World Cup season on a golden note, taking the top honours in the Women’s Team Pursuit in Aguascalientes, Mexico, on Thursday.

The three women – Jasmin Glaesser of Coquitlam, BC, Gillian Carleton of Victoria, BC and Stephanie Roorda of Vancouver, BC – defeated the Ukrainian team in the ultimate race.  Jasmin & Gillian were on Dr. Vie team of athletes in 2012 winning bronze medals at the London 2012 Olympics. Steph Roorda was on Dr. Vie Superfoods team 2012.  Jasmin is Dr. Vie’s role model athlete for Dr. Vie SuperKids Program 2013 in memory of Dr. Vie athlete Carla Swart who died in South Africa 19 January 2011 while training here.  

In the morning qualifications, Canada easily posted the fastest time of the group of eight teams entered in the race, posting a time of 3:19.468, more than four seconds faster than Ukraine, the second fastest team.

For Glaesser and Carleton, this golden race comes on the heel of their bronze medal performance at the 2012 Olympic Games in London, GBR, at their first international race since the Games.

“These were good rides for us because have not raced as a team since the Olympics. It’s encouraging to have two technically sound rides considering the lack of riding together leading up to the World Cup. The results certainly bodes well coming into the UCI World Championships. I am especially proud of the team for having well handled the small hiccup at start of the final race. We demonstrated professionalism and the fact that we are a world class team,” said Carleton, of the World Cup podium.

Tanya Dubnicoff, the Women’s Team Pursuit coach, was thrilled with the races: “This season has been a short season and to have the team perform the way they did was excellent. They executed the ride like veterans. This experience will only help with our goal of continuing World class performances, in lead up to the 2015 Pan-American Games [in Toronto].”

Athletes can be amazing role models for children only if they lead clean lives free of drugs.  Jasmin Glaesser is one such athlete. Dr. Vie has been supporting Jasmin since 2009 and today Jasmin is the key spokes person and role model for Dr. Vie SuperKids program that was launched live from South Africa on 19 January 2013. The program is in the memory of Dr. Vie’s elite South African cyclist Carla Swart who was killed in South Africa on 19 January 2011 while training on the road.

Jasmin writes directly from Mexico ““After a five month hiatus from international competition following the London Olympics, my teammates and I were thrilled to once again take our positions on the start line.  Although we enjoyed being home and being able to spend more time with family, and in my case return to school, when the track called we didn’t think twice before answering.  After a week of final preparations in Los Angeles we flew south full of excitement and anticipation. This was not just our first race back, but our first step towards hunting down the gold in Rio 2016.  I’m happy to say we rose to the occasion and preformed two beautifully executed rides to take the World Cup win.  This is only a small victory in the grand scheme of things, but it nevertheless showed that we are ready to step up our game and move forward with positive energy and momentum.  Our next stop are the World Championships in Minsk, Belarus in four weeks time.  In addition to the team pursuit, I will also be competing in the point’s race after qualifying a spot this week.  Until then, namaste!! -Jasmin


We encourage kids from around the world to register for Dr. Vie SuperKids free program and to benefit from the support and relationship with our role model athletes.  Click here to learn more about the Dr. Vie SuperKids program and share the link to all kids around our planet. Our kids are the future – let us invest in them.


Lots of love

Dr. Vie, Founder Dr. Vie SuperFoods,

Professor, Dr. Vie Academy

Creator Dr. Vie SuperKids Program

Our Planet Earth