Hello there. You are here because you are getting ready to attend my naturally healthy event. This is a great way to send me your questions before the event and to start thinking about your current situation. Remember, I am here to support you and share everything that I know with you. I want you to be the best you can be and feel the best you can feel no matter what. Lots of love and hugs, until our event. Dr. Vie (V) First Name * My current health problems are * I want more information about… * My gender is MaleFemaleOther My age range under 1920 to 3940 to 5960 to 7980 plus My typical breakfast is…. * My typical lunch is…. * My typical dinner is…… * In between meals I eat and drink….. * How motivated are you to reach your health goals? * I can join your events during the week evening after 5 pm my timeduring the weekendduring the week evening after 5 pm my time and weekendsduring the week days, week evening after 5 pm my time and weekends Any other thoughts, questions or suggestions ? * Thank you so much for helping me in shaping the event for you. I am looking forward to meeting you soon. Lots of love and hugs, always, Dr. Vie Email * Submit Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to comment Enter your email address to comment Enter your website URL (optional) Δ