Aaron & sister Dr. Vie superkids soccerites with Dr Vie Chocoshok and Lynn Crawford top chef Canada

Aaron’s love of soccer emerged at the age of three, while kicking the ball in his family’s basement karate dojo with his Dad. His Godfather Damir, another passionate soccer player originally from Croatia, supported Aaron’s interest by providing him with his first official soccer ball and jersey. So began Aaron’s dream of being a professional soccer player.

This talented young athlete quickly progressed from recreational soccer leagues to playing at a competitive level with the Ottawa Fury and more recently with the Capital United Soccer Club. As captain of his team, Aaron has distinguished himself as a leader both for his athletic abilities on the field and his interpersonal skills and positive attitude.

Aaron has been recognized with many awards both personal and team related. As well, as a member of Mensa, Aaron’s academic achievements are admirable. Contributing to the community, Aaron and his sister founded their own action group to raise funds for the Me to We organization. A more recent personal highlight for Aaron in his soccer career, was traveling to London, England to train with the prestigious Tottenham Soccer Club Academy and scoring a goal for Team Canada.

Dr. Vie Superfoods help keep Aaron fueled up, strong and healthy through his vigorous training schedule and the demands on a 12 year old growing body. He maintains a gluten free, dairy free diet of mostly raw foods and adopts a healthy lifestyle.

Aaron has now set his sights on his next training opportunity in France with the Nantes Football Academy (www.fcnantes.com) in May 2013. After a week of training, he and 15 other 13 year old boys from will be representing Canada in an international soccer tournament, the Mondial Pupilles de Plomelin. See www.mondialplomelin.net/modules/news

Aaron would like to be a professional soccer player and he is working toward making that a reality.

Aaron and his sister Julie met Lynn Crawford top chef Canada during Dr. Vie’s health food show in Ottawa. Aaron and Julie hang out with Lynn on the cooking stage whipping up delicious food. However, they could not eat that food as the kids are allergic to dairy and gluten! The kids instead returned to Dr. Vie’s table to devour Dr. Vie ChocoShok.


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