Danielle Comolli has been a Fire Fighter in Toronto for the last 7 years and has been competing on the Combat Challenge Circuit for 6 years.  She has been a medalist for the past three years at Nationals and hopes to win the title this year and break the womens record.  Her training regime changed this year when she opened a CrossFit gym with a friend, www.crossfitaltitude.com .  This allowed for her to focus more on a good training program geared around the competition, and has paid off so far.  This year she has competed in Coquitlam BC in May and got a 2:15, a PR of 7 seconds, competed in Brantford on July 1st and got a 2:08.89 only 0.71 secs off the womens record.  Her passion for fitness has recently took her to the 2009 CrossFit games in Aromas, California placing 32nd overall. She qualified 2nd in the Canada East. .

Danielle comes from an extensive competitive sports background, playing at the varsity level in water polo and rugby in which she also played for her province for seven years, long listed for the national team for three years and attended a training camp for the national team in 2003. 

Watch Danielle on Dr. Vie TV during the Fire Fit Competition in ST. Julie, QC in 2010 and during events in Toronto and Montreal during 2010.

Danielle’s womens relay team consists of Jessica Clermont & Ruth Lancashire from the Toronto Fire Department.

Davis Strauss is the male competitior on the Toronto Fire Combat Team.

Tune in for more information.

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