HUMANITARIAN work since 2004



Physical, Mental, Emotional, Consciousness Dialogues for You. Do refresh this page for the most recent events..lots of love from your modern nomadic humanitarian, V.


Donate to this free humanitarian work Super Conscious Humanity and benefit from Ebooks, Membership and Print Books 

These free live streams are brought to you by Dr. Vie  Super Conscious Humanity Initiatives .

MISSED ANY EVENT? to watch +30 hours of replays of dr. vie’s  life changing live events PLUS her ONLINE training seminars on BODY, MIND, brain health and CONSCIOUSNESS ALL FOR DONATION OF $25 CAD for ONE MONTH AND ALSO RECEIVE THE 200 PAGE EBOOK THE PURE ONES. YOU CAN ALSO DONATE $10 or $15 CAD AND RECEIVE THE EBOOKS

Check out Dr. Vie’s global Super Conscious Humanity program free for youth. She’s been mentoring and inspiring tens of thousands of youth globally since 2004, all personally funded by her unique SuperFoods feeding +100,000 …as she lives a nomadic life, solo in 6 countries, focused on inner peace to world peace.  Watch more snippets from her free online live streams this year below. She provides inspirational talks free for you while living a simple life. Her Super Conscious Humanity Initiatives in Africa empower special needs communities with clean water, sanitation, healthy crops, wholesome jobs and better lives. Revenues from her products help fund her humanitarian life. 

Find short snippets of  live streams from 2017 to 2020 (full replays within Super Conscious Monthly Membership)

Work Life Balance

Brain Health


I Heal Me

End to Attacks of Violence

Yoga Asanas For Restoration 

Super Consciousness

Beyond Stress and Hatred

Mental Health

#MeToo Inside the Male Mind

#MeToo Violence Against Women

#MeToo Women’s Roles

Inner Peace How?

Essentials of Inner Peace

On your own, or feeling on your own, but not alone or lonely

Lonely No More

Beyond Holidays and Beliefs

Diabetes 101

A Better Life How?

Peace Maker in 2018 A Year of Peace

Mental Peace Of Mind

Beyond Addictions to Strong Minds

What is Consciousness?

Feeling Blissful in a Chaotic World

How To Transcend Emotional Mental Suffering with Dr. Vie and Dr. Park

Ask Dr. Vie Session: Concerned Parent 

Forgetting Wisdom Leads To Chaotic Life – Easter Message

Personal transformation through super consciousness

Super Conscious Humanity Youth Session 

Substance use kills brain cells and makes human stupid

Substance use kills brain cells and makes humans stupid Click for Video

Taming The Impostor Mind Seattle Workshop Mind Body Spirit Event

Gender equality and ending patriarchy are not enough for a better future!

Taming The Impostor Mind Ch2 of Book of Secrets to Rescuing Humanity

Taming The Impostor Mind Ch 3 How To Shape Your Future

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Jody

    We found you on facebook. Appreciate your dedication to helping us doctor Vie saw 4 events from October. Thanks to you and guests answering my questions. I asked my son to write because my English is not too good. Jody.

    1. Doctor Vie

      My dear Jody. How lovely to have you on our live streams…keep interacting with your questions and input my dear…our events are for you. We are here to serve you and to help you discover the best of your Self. See you in the next event. Lots of love, always, V

      1. Andrew

        Dr Vie you are such a super conscious human I learnt so much from our meeting.
        Thank you very much for the great work I’m looking forward to our partnership to change the communities

        Kind regards
        Andrew (chess tutor)

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