The power of inner silence remains untapped by humans, despite tremendous leaps in technology and science.

In the everyday hustle and bustle, the mind works overtime to analyze, interpret and take action on the multitude of inputs from the five senses. You feel consumed by your daily activities and choices, and at the end of the day, all you want to do is put your feet up, not communicate with anyone, and breathe away all that was. Yet, your mind continues on overdrive, this time with its self-talk and chatter inside your head. A steady stream of thoughts flit through your mind. Is all of this normalized activity actually beneficial to your health, happiness or even prosperity?
What if the thoughts inside your head would stop?
How would you feel?
What is this world of inner silence?
Have you ever experienced it?
How can you benefit from what we fondly term: inner silence?
Ready to find out?

Inner Silence is Experienced Every 24 Hours
The wonder of all living Beings, is that of pure bliss and tranquility, naturally programmed into its code of existence.
When humans experience this state of inner peace consciously, they transform their perspectives on life.
Inner Silence Interludes in the Heart of India
In a recent trip, of many over 30 years to India, amidst the glory of my early morning walks through the awakening streets of Mumbai, and the chaiwalas on every corner, I encountered a bubbly tall Indian man, clad in a pair of running shorts and vest, and a blazing red bandana draped over his tousled hair. He was on a belated birthday celebratory trip for his +70 year old Mother to Maharashtra. I too was on a celebratory birthday journey for my +80 year old Mother. So there we were, offsprings from across continents, on a glorious day in the land of over a billion people.

Maya, Distractions, and Inner Bliss
Over a billion people! That’s hard to comprehend, for westerners that is.
Yet when you experience the throngs of traffic, not just vehicle traffic, but people traffic, across most parts of India, one cannot but feel kinship for all that our planet serves up.
Experiences so far off from the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and many parts of the world.
India soars in its uniqueness.
In all the hustle and bustle, a solitary Yogi sits. His eyes closed. His face filled with rapture. Amid all the external noise. There he sits.
And with immense conscious awareness he raises his hand, a gesture of acknowledgment.

Tranquility in Chaos?
What if you could access the power of your Being, during your everyday rushed life with all its deadlines and stressors?
What would you feel like?
Podcast with an Indian Traveler in Mumbai
And so there we were, all four of us, Mothers from across continents, and offsprings from the west and east, delighting in our commonalities.
What is bliss?
Our conversations led to an interesting podcast – an introduction to the power of inner silence in this rushed world you live in.
Well dear reader, here’s the podcast for your enjoyment.
Join My Online Silent Retreat To Boost Your Life
Over the years I’ve shared my insights at hundreds of live workshops in many countries. Following many requests for easier access to my workshops, I created Dr. Vie Academy, an online platform where you can access many of the workshops I’ve led with thousands of attendees.
Most of all, relevant to this article and podcast on Inner Silence, I invite you to join me on a a 3 day online Silent Retreat to experience the true power of NOW, and the power that awaits.
Dr. Vie
good podcast thanks