April 26

Best Mother’s Gift for All Moms

Articles, Book News


Best Mother’s Gift Idea

 Looking for the best Mother’s Day gift ideas to fit your budget, that is the most valuable and treasured gift for Mom? Research shows that the challenges moms face increase stress, and a simple heart to heart chat with a stranger can relieve stress, and inspire her with renewed energy to continue her day.

Important Questions To Find The Best Mother's  Gift Idea?

  • What are the stresses that today’s mom faces?
  • What are really important to moms?
  • Why are moms struggling to live their lives the way they want?
  • If moms do not relieve their stress, what could happen to the family?
  • How can you help your Mom, and make your life easier because she is happier?
  • Why does a few minutes of chatting with a neutral, unbiased person help them cope and even better their lives?


Stressed Moms Increasing Throughout The World

Today most moms are feeling some sort of stress in their daily lives. Whether they are a:

  • Soon to be mom
  • New mom
  • Working mom
  • Single mom
  • Stay home mom
  • Work from home mom
  • Executive mom
  • Mother in law
  • Grandma

Mother Child Relationships Are Stressed

Daily stresses of raising a child can lead to mental health problems, weight gain, sleep deprivation, emotions mood swings, and even depression, if not identified and resolved at the earliest.

Problem Raising A Child Can Stress Out Mom

Whether you are a stay at home dedicated to raising your child or a working mom you can be experiencing the signs of stress if you are:

dealing with teen problems

struggling with parent teacher meetings

managing an addicted child

coping with a special child

adjusting to an autistic offspring

trying to help a colic new born

And the list goes on.

Sharing Problems And Dreams With Your BFF Can Be A Problem

If you are feeling stressed out mom you may confide in your best friend, and if he or she keeps your chat confidential, you are quite lucky. You have your free stress management session.

Your BFF Keeps Your Talk Confidential, But Her Advice Is Biased

But most often, you friend is biased and the advice she gives you can be tinged with her point of view based on her life experiences. And more often than not, she may have her own agenda when she gives you advice. Do you know how long her sleeve is?

Your Friend Cannot Keep A Secret

What happens if your friend is a blabber mouth and just cannot keep what you tell her between the two of you? In so many cases, you may find yourself dealing with even more stress, as you try to handle the spread of rumors and stories about you. Perhaps it does not happen today or tomorrow, but will surface when the two of you argue or even break your friendship.

Advice From Friends and Family and Partners May Not Help You Develop Your Self

Unless your friends and family are 100% truthful and insightful, you may find yourself worse off than before you discussed your problems with them.

Life is about growing personally from each situation that is happening in your day. Self growth and personal development is the most important factor if you want to truly better your situation and have a better life. Only when you can feel better about yourself, from within your self, will you find joy in your everyday life. Your happiness spread to those around you.

Dr. Vie Mentor

Moms Stressed From Work Life Balance

If you are a working mom you may be juggling work priorities and your responsibilities to your family, your loved ones and friends.


Many working moms find themselves stretched to their limits. Supermoms try to be the best worker, and the best parent and the best partner and the best daughter and the best friend…

Multitasking may sound like something doable, but it does not work well.

You end up meeting deadlines but soon you will run out of stamina and motivation because you’ll find that you are unable to do much to the best of your abilities.

The thinner you spread your time among more responsibilities, the less of yourself you’ll be able to give.It’s the law of attraction. You give off less of your best and you get back less of the best. Quality always wins over quantity.

Intimate Relationships Suffer

How many times have you fell onto your bed, feeling drained, exhausted and like you just cannot give anymore of yourself?

How many times have you fallen off to sleep with your shoes still on, your day clothes still around you. Only to awaken to the same rut the next day?

Are you too tired to be an attentive partner?

Are you too fatigued to be a patient parent?

Are you spent out of time to be a compassionate daughter?

Family Relationships Suffer

As you age, your Mom will need you, just as you needed her when you were a child and just as you will need your children as you age.

No matter how she raised you, she will need you more.

Are you there for her? Can you forgive her if she mistreated you? Can you unconditionally love her? If not, you will feel guilt, regrets and stress as you age.

All moms want to feel appreciated.

When You Feel Unappreciated Your Stress Will Worsen

But the worst part of a mom’s life is when you’ve done so much for your partner, your child/ren, your colleagues, your friends, your relatives, and even your religious center, but your feel left out.

You feel uncared for.

You feel forgotten.

You feel like the furniture.

Not even a thank you.

Not even a pat on your shoulder.

Not even a phone call.

Not even an offer to help you when you need it the most.

When You Have Lost Your Own Self Of Worth

Do you even know why you are doing what you are doing? Do you even know what your real Self feels like, looks like, thinks like, talks like, walks like?

Are you living your life as the great impostor?

You dress up for others, you smile for others, you talk the way you do because of others, you think the way you do because of others, you sit the way you do because of others…you even make love the way you do because of others.

Knock, knock, anyone home? Is the real owner in there?

Who Are You Really?

Can You Be Your Real Self?

Have you ever spent a day just being who you really are?

Without needing to explain why you think that way, why you say those words, why you dress that way?

What Would Your Day Look Like If You Are Your Real Self?

Close your eyes, and imagine your perfect day. Just you being the real you. Where would you be? What would you be wearing? What would you be eating? What would you be doing? What would you be feeling?  Smile….because you are finally the most amazing you.

The real you brought into this world because of a special reason.

Your Real Identity Finds Your Real Purpose

  •  You will know what your given talents are.
  • You will know your real purpose in life.
  • You will pursue all that you were meant to because you are not fighting your Self anymore.
  • No more battles against your Self.
  • You are one with your Self.
  • At peace, super strong, courageous, confident, blissful in your creativity.
  • So delightful.
  • Smile my dear Mom or not a Mom, you are finally where you belong.
  • You are back home where you belong, with your real Self.
    • Lots of love dear human Being.

Find Your Guiding Light to Bliss

You need a shoulder to lean on, and ear that will listen unconditionally, advice that would guide you to self discovery, and compassion from another woman who believes in your ability to shine as the real you.

You just like every mom need a guiding soul, to shine the light and restore joy in your life.

The Best Mother's Gift For You​

I am here for you. If you'd like to message me on messenger or take advantage of my special one on one calls. I've inspired  thousands of women just like you to journey to their real selves.  Don't forget ...I also inspire men!

All you need to do is reach out. If you would like to set up a 1:1 call with me or a call for your Mom with me, do click the button below.

Big hug to you,



Especially for Roberta, who recently commented below...she lost her Mom. We all send you our love.  Here is one video for anyone who lost a loved one. ​ V


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  • My mom recently died. Thank you for this reading time about moms as a reminder to how wonderful mothers really are. I forgot many other things that you listed. With extreme gratitude

    • Dear Roberta, I’m sending you a big hug and with it positive energies to heal your pain. Losing a loved one is the most painful experience humans go through. Your Mom’s memory will last forever and guide you through your days and nights. I’d love to spend a few minutes talking with you…no charge…just send me a note or message me. I’ll link to a video here …a session I gave to bereaved adults -which I think you will find relevant. Mother’s are the most pure of all beings…and because we lived inside them for 9 months, we carry their code forever. I’m looking forward to talking with you…lots of love, always. V
      I included the video in the updated article above and one other video or if you want more videos…go here
      https://drvie.com/dr-vie-tv/ scroll down to the February 2016, Africa, Workshop, Inspiring Hope in Elders

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