Congratulations on completing the Life Profile Assessment, after reading Taming The Female Impostor, Book of Secrets to Rescuing Humanity.
Your score reveals that as of today, based on your answers, your Life Profile is ranking as FAIRLY EMPOWERED: Conscious. This falls in the middle of the range of Super Conscious Empowerment and indicates that your inner strength is activated, and ready to be quickly increased. You are blessed to be at this higher level.
Steps To Follow:
You need to follow the suggestions in Chapter 11 Taming The Female Impostor®
- Continue to increase and sustain you knowledge each day by reading, attending workshops, and expanding your information.
- Consciously use the VFF techniques in your day as you go about your work, within relationships and during quiet time.
- Spend five to 10 minutes each morning in quiet meditation.
- Spend five to 10 minutes each evening in quiet meditation before you go to sleep.
Progress and Monitor Your Self
Over time you will find yourself moving to the next level of being Mindfully Conscious as you willfully select your thoughts, words and actions to empty your Bag of Codes and generate happiness.
Join Dr. Vie SuperConscious Program
Do join Dr. Vie during her free live weekly webcasts by clicking on the link below so that you can continue to expand your consciousness by empowering your mind.
Do join Dr. Vie’s Private FaceBook Group by clicking here and sending her a request to join or go to the contact page and send her a request.
Find more about Dr. Vie’s one on one programs and live webcast programs here.
You are no longer alone but part of the Super Conscious Family.
Dr. Vie is eagerly waiting to meet your energies once again.