I’m so happy to be sharing insights about your well Being with you.

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Dr. Vie Inspirational Speaker Empowers You To Better Your Life by Tapping into Your Own Powers

For many years during events (live and online) for teens, adults and elders, of all genders, all cultures, all statuses, all beliefs, Dr. Vie (V) shares insights from her 20+ years of scientific findings, life experiences, and interactions with hundreds of thousands of people from around the globe, during her solo journey after leaving South Africa as a youth, working in six countries 26 cities and integrating with many cultures as a single woman.

V has overcome numerous challenges including family tragedy of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer that led her to expand her career from medical device scientist in Switzerland to explorer of humanity. She herself is a nomadic migrant and has personally experienced the hardships of poverty in a foreign land. Empowered with Mahatma Gandhi & Nelson Mandela as role models from her home land, she ventured on.

Dr. Vie Top Left: addressing lecturers. Bottom Left: 1:1 in mountain resort. Center: inspiring disadvantaged youth in Africa. Far Right: Book signing with Dr. Vie, Reader (center), and Mother Vie (far right)


During the events, Dr. Vie addresses your questions about how to better your life, and guides you to realize practical ways for improving your health, vitality and happiness no matter your age, stage or situation in life, wherever you are in the world.

Vie is also a Yogic Super Conscious Mind Scientist

TV Host Heidi with Dr. Vie Superfoods in Denmark
Water World Cities TV Host Heidi with Dr. Vie Natural Healthy Foods in Denmark

. She pioneered raw vegan natural healthy foods® in 2003, and is the Chair Person of Super Conscious Humanity Youth Global Mentoring Program, Creator of Dr. Vie Academy, Author, Humanitarian & Radio Show Host. Dr. Vie provides employment opportunities for women, youth and dis-empowered populations around the world. She personally funds her work and is not affiliated with any religious groups or political parties. 



V is a mountain lover and has trekked mountains including the Himalayas in India. She has returned to her roots in India many times and meditates in some of the ancient caves of nomadic Sages in India during which time she expands her consciousness. Her focus is on stimulating Super Consciousness around the globe so people can experience the full power of their humanity, and restore inner peace, self respect, self confidence and self trust, so they can be compassionate to family, loved ones and communities, and ultimately return the world to a state of peace and return planet Earth (your home) to its state of equilibrium with pure water, healthy air and safe foods.

Dr. Vie 3 day Super Conscious-Training Course for Life Line staff in Africa


Dr. Vie inspires thousands of people in live audiences during her jam-packed inspirational events around the world.


Dr. Vie is the author of fiction and non fiction ebooks, paperbacks, and audio books.

NON FICTION SERIES: Book of Secrets To Rescuing Humanity

3 Steps To Better Relationships Book 1 5 Ways To A Healthier Body Book 2 Easy Method To Reduce Stress Book 3 (click for video) 7 Food Tips To Boost Energy Book 4 (Click for video) How To Choose The Best Job Right Now Book 5  How To Enjoy Fruitful Friendships Book 6



Taming The Impostor®: Saga: Action Adventure Mystery Visionary Apocalyptic Series Inspires Hope In Teens and Adults

Dance Of Fireflies Book 1

Aikona Book 2

Wunamangaz Book 3 and The Pure Ones

Dance of Fireflies fantasy action adventure utopian fiction Chad Sheri Vie Lena McCalla Njee
Dance of Fireflies fantasy action adventure Utopian fiction with Chad 7 year old grandson of Teacher of Autism,  Lena McCalla Njee in New Jersey, USA

Dr. Vie is the founder of Dr. Vie Academy with Life Skills Programs Better Emotional and Mental Health Through Mindfulness Naturally Healthy Foods To Reshape Your Body Stress Free Fulfilling Life You Were Meant To Live Seminars Webinars Live Streaming

Dr. Vie mentors all ages through her Mentoring Programs 1:1 Personal Guidance Group Sessions Master Mind Sessions

Dr. Vie is a Global Inspirational Speaker Schools, Community Centers, Corporations, Hospitals, Libraries, Key Note Events, Public Speaking anywhere.