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Human’s greed and selfish desires for fame and material gain are now leading to genetically modified humans. Super Conscious Humanity comes to the rescue.

QUESTION: But how can this be, Dr. Vie?


We live in a human made world on the brink of global disaster for many reasons, but most of all because human’s greed and selfish desires for fame and material gain are now leading to genetically modified humans. This will be a dangerous lab species that will eventually replace humanity and extinguish those that oppose technological scientific advances to alter humans physical characteristics.What is needed then to protect Mother Nature’s Cosmic powers?

And is the rescue possible?Deep in the heart of Africa, a vision is being embraced: one to rescue humanity and Mother Nature from the ravages of humans who are focused on personal gain, abundance of money at the sacrifice of those who embrace nature.Super Conscious Humans are emerging….Super Conscious Humanity is what Mother Nature needs to restore humanity onto its natural path of life.Children and visionary adults and elders are the ones who have the power to life self realized lives and be the ones to rescue Planet Earth from the hands and minds of unrealized humans.

It’s time to rise up for super conscious humans and put an end to a dangerous species of genetically modified humans …that if not stopped will extinguish humanity created by Mother Nature.

Read the article here:

Our Super Conscious Humanity team is blossoming in the heart of Africa….lots of love, always, V

Genetically modified humans versus super conscious humanity in Africa

Genetically modified humans versus super conscious humanity in Africa

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Doctor Vie

Since a life-changing event at age 16, I realized the power of freedom within each person. I've lived and worked solo in 6 countries, 27 cities, and visited over 50 countries. Many challenges leading to many revelations. I share my insights with you, so you too may switch on your inner spark, Be the real You and live blissfully. Join my notification list for exclusive invites, books and gifts or join my free weekly interactive live streams. You can live better, feel better and restore natural wonders wherever you are. Lots of love, always, Dr. V

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