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Dr Vie Free Youth Seminar 14 Januar 2016 South Africa

The profound question was asked by a youth during Dr. Vie’s free Global Inspirational Youth Talk at a secondary school in Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa in January 2016. The audience comprised of close to 800 high school kids ages 12 to 19, the teachers, principal and guest from the Department of Education. Dr. Vie’s inspirational answer drew a thunderous applause from the crowd and motivated the youth to view South Africa in a whole new and positive light. Follow up sessions are being planned with students and staff.


Dr. Vie Free Global Youth Inspirational Workshops Africa 2016
Dr. Vie Free Global Youth Inspirational Workshops Africa 2016


Inspiring +700 Youth

My inspirational talk in KZN was the sixth free youth workshop in South Africa in one month, since my arrival in Africa end of 2015.  The talk was scheduled for the early morning assembly at 07:30 albeit due to unforeseen circumstances, I was taken to the school at 10:00.  


The day was hot, muggy and a typical sweltering summer morning in the southern hemisphere of the Planet. Without a moment to spare, the Sports Coach rushed me to the massive hall as we passed by students chatting as they enjoyed their morning break. After walking down many flights of stairs we arrived at the hall already set up for the talk. But the challenge was just beginning.

Dr. Vie Free Inspirational Youth Workshops Africa January 2016
Dr. Vie Free Inspirational Youth Workshops Africa January 2016

Challenge For The Day

Within a few moments we discovered that the hand held microphone connected to the public address system was malfunctioning !  As the teachers rushed to remedy the situation, the plus 700 students began to filter into the hall, chatting among themselves as they hurried in from the blistering heat. Alas the microphone turned out the be an even bigger issue than was expected lasting close to 20 minutes as the students tried to contain themselves in the hall. I was announced and ran up to the stage…only to find that the microphone was still a problem! Ever tried giving a talk with the microphone cutting in and out, more often out than in…and having to repeat yourself? Well we all learned first hand about life’s challenges and how to overcome it!

I must applaud the youth and staff for their tolerance and patience, they were amazing. Eventually a second microphone was brought to the rescue…and we went headlong into the inspirational event.

Dr. Vie Free Youth Workshops Africa January 2016
Dr. Vie Free Inspirational Youth Workshops Africa January 2016


Future of South Africa on the minds of Youth ages 12 to 19

As I interacted with the students and delved into their minds, one thing was for certain: the many issues of the local kids came to the fore. For those of you who know of my humanitarian free work with over 50,000 youth around the globe, you know that I have inside knowledge, often only privy to me, of the personal struggles and challenges of youth around the globe. I know of their familial challenges, I know of their community challenges, I know of their national challenges and more.

Today once again, the +700 youth ages 12 to 19, shared their challenges as I inspired them during my free talk. Their challenges are not unique to South Africa but are experienced by their fellow brothers and sisters in all nations, be it developed, developing or underdeveloped. However, for this group as it was for all the previous youth groups in South Africa, the future of the country in which they live, is featuring heavily on their young minds.

Dr. Vie Free Inspirational Youth Workshops Africa January 2016
Dr. Vie Free Inspirational Youth Workshops Africa January 2016

“What Question Do You Have For Me?”

Then out of the crowd of +700 youth, a hand was raised about mid way in the crowd. A student stepped forward as a hush fell over the youth, then just as suddenly the crowd swallowed him up in a round of applause as he made his way to the stage to stand beside me.


“What is your question to me?” I asked of him.

“How long will South Africa last?” he asked, as he looked directly at me.


The crowd of about 800 roared with laughter, astonishment and agreement to his question as if to say ” Yes we want to know also.”

Dr. Vie Free Inspirational Youth Workshops Africa January 2016
Dr. Vie Free Inspirational Youth Workshops Africa January 2016

Future of South Africa?

I myself thought it was an excellent question, the answer to which I had already given to them earlier in my inspirational talk….now I just needed to guide them to realizing the answer for themselves.

My answer brought a loud applause from the +700 youth and staff as they were inspired and filled with hope. The young man himself realized the answer as he too shared his self realized answer. WOW! The future of South Africa is bright indeed.

Dr. Vie Free Inspirational Youth Workshops Africa January 2016

Dr. Vie Free Inspirational Youth Workshops Africa January

Self Esteem, Self Courage and Self Respect

As I continue to delve into the minds of tens of thousands of youth ages 5 to 26 around our great Planet Earth and inspire them to develop their self esteem, feel self courage and experience self respect, I can say with certainty as I have been saying since I started my free global youth program in 2004:

“The future of the Planet and our world depends on the lives of our youth, women and elders.”

We can never erase hatred, envy, jealousy, bad thoughts against others, negative words against others, and above all hurtful actions against others if we do not love, respect, and honour our own selves first. Any person who engages in the above negative thoughts, words and actions is only screaming out the the world that they do not love and respect themselves.

Dr. Vie Free Inspirational Youth Workshops Africa January 2016
Dr. Vie Free Inspirational Youth Workshops Africa January 2016

Know Your Purpose On Planet Earth and You Have The Secret To Life

For this reason we must realize that we are all one big family. We are all on Planet Earth for a vital reason that is beyond man made material gain, physical pleasures, greed, or ego boosts.

Those who are able to realize this sooner than later, hold the keys to lasting bliss. They will be the ones to restore our Planet Earth to its natural state of Being, so that our Planet can get on with its own bio rhythms, continue its own powerful journey and take on its rightful place in the Cosmos.

Dr. Vie Free Inspirational Youth Workshops Africa January 2016

Invite me to inspire your youth and any human anywhere on Planet Earth

As I continue my adventurous amazing journey of life, for now in Africa, exploring the minds and inner Being of our fellow humans, please do invite me to motivate your groups to be the best human that they can be, to realize their own inner strengths, to be compassionate, loving, respectful Beings and support our Planet to be the best mother that she can be to each of us.


Lots of love and blessings,


Dr. Vie (V)

Founder of Dr. Vie Global Super Conscious Humanity Program

Founder of Dr. Vie Global Youth Program