be happy after a holiday
be happy after a holiday

Would you like to be happy after the holidays and continue the cheerfulness of vacation time? Read on!

Firstly, peace to you, your loved ones and our world as you welcomed in the New Year. Wherever you are, may you enjoy good health, personal growth and blissful emotions. 


What would you like to experience this year?

  • Better relationships
  • more financial security
  • improved health or perhaps
  • peace of mind?


How you start this season will in many ways shape how you handle the upcoming months and even the year. 

For many, the festivities will soon end, bringing to a close the cheeriness and relaxed state of mind, but what if you can continue in high spirits-without the spirits? Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Well I am here to prolong the merriness of the holidays!


Three Ways on How to be happy after a holiday?

One way to continue the cheerfulness and expand the love

Each day, genuinely smile at an elder, and pause to share in their lives. A simple smile, will bring a cheer in the day of the elder, and you will feel rewarded for doing a good deed for the day. You will ride the high for 24 hours! This is the essential safety net for your week. If your path does not cross with an elder, then smile at a parent with a child and complement him or her on being a parent.


Second way to continue the cheerfulness and boost your immunity

Shrug off any negativity that is sent your way, meaning: if you sense that someone is being nasty to you, instead of agonizing over it, brush the nastiness aside and focus on your sense of inner peace. Remember the rewarding feeling you experienced when you brought cheer to the elder person or parent the day before and you will instantly boost your cheerfulness.


Third way to continue the cheerfulness and fortify your mind

Anytime you feel overwhelmed, take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Repeat the sequence three times and you will feel more calm. Then remember the rewarding feeling you experienced when you cheered up the elder’s ore parent’s life from the day before.


Apply the three ways to continue the cheerfulness of the holidays


  1. Step One, bring joy to someone else each day
  2. Step Two, brush aside any negativity sent your way
  3. Step Three, breath in and let out the stress

You see when you bring cheer into another’s life, you boost your own immunity against negativity, better your emotions, and improve your productivity, and when you expand your life breath you double your will power!

Practice For One Week : How to be happy after a holiday

Try the sequence for a week and note the differences in your life. You will be amazed at the changes in your thoughts and feelings. Do comment below and share the ways in which you were able to apply the three tips in your week of  how to continue the cheerfulness of the holidays.


Lots of love, always

Dr. Vie

Your Guide, Author, Mind Scientist, Humanitarian, Youth Mentor, Inspirational Speaker, SuperFoods Pioneer

Founder of Dr. Vie Super Conscious Humanity Movement

Professor: Dr. Vie Super Conscious Program


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