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Accomplished it all, yet feel like something is missing? Why do wealthy people, those with important titles and those who seem to be spiritually aware, still do not feel at peace?Can we achieve a state of inner peace? Can we ever experience a world at peace?


I recently spent time at various spiritual centers in Africa chatting to the members about their state of inner peace.  One woman in her early forties, well versed in all the guidelines of the center, said: “You know even though I have been following this way of life for a long time, I still find it difficult to really be at peace. Our world is so stressful and it is so hard to feel at peace.”  Hers was not the only such remark. Another woman also in her mid forties, voiced the same. She was the owner of many companies, yet also discontent with life to the point of being bitter about the accomplishments of others.


On the other hand, I encountered a wealthy high-profile business man, a billionaire who had just returned from an exotic trip to Thailand where they had just purchased a property.  He and his wife had traveled the world many times over, always in first class, staying at plush hotels, eating the most expensive foods, living the life of celebrities.  Yet this man in his mid fifties had developed diabetes and was injecting himself each day with insulin. His wife had developed a problem with her legs.  Both the man and his wife were very discontent and unhappy, to the point of being bitter about the good health of others.  During my conversation with them they were focused on blaming their ill health on the  ” envy” of others.


Now I also met many regular folk, living humble lives, but truly compassionate. One man worked as a gardener, ate very little, yet was in great health and every time I met him, he had a smile on his face and he was always wanting to help others without the need for any recognition or monetary reward.

When we realize the extremes of humans, those who are trying to be spiritual yet have not attained inner peace, and those who have attained the highest degrees of wealth but have no inner peace, we begin to return to the same age old question that I pose to people:


“Who are you really?”


“What is the purpose of life?”


It is only when are able to answer these questions can we as a human race progress to inner peace and en route transform the world at war, partners at war, families at war, children at war to peace.


Tune into this recent radio show where I answer profound questions about how to achieve inner peace in a modern world.


I am now travelling in Africa providing free talks and workshops wherever I go to all ages and all works of life on how to achieve inner peace and to restore peace on Earth. Here is the link to the previous article.


Find all the secrets to this profound question in a handy guidebook that I have written: Taming The Female Impostor: Book of Secrets to Rescuing Humanity by starting with yourself first.


Lots of love and peace to you,



Dr. Vie


Planet Earth