Ch 2 Tame the Impostor mind: why women not ready to lead the world?
Ch 2 Tame the Impostor mind: why women not ready to lead the world?

Why the modern women are not ready to lead us to a better future? What must be changed asap if we want a better future? 15 Steps discussed in the Book of Secrets to Rescuing Humanity. Taming The Female Impostor.


When did the problem start?

A health professional from California dives deep into the Book of Secrets and shares his journey with us in this Chapter 1: Who Do You Think You Are?

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Doctor Vie

Since a life-changing event at age 16, I realized the power of freedom within each person. I've lived and worked solo in 6 countries, 27 cities, and visited over 50 countries. Many challenges leading to many revelations. I share my insights with you, so you too may switch on your inner spark, Be the real You and live blissfully. Join my notification list for exclusive invites, books and gifts or join my free weekly interactive live streams. You can live better, feel better and restore natural wonders wherever you are. Lots of love, always, Dr. V

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