You are currently viewing My SuperKids South Africa

I was blessed today to address hundreds of spiritually awakened men, women and children in Chatsworth as they prepare for one of the most spiritually powerful events of the year.


Just after I finished my talk, an eleven year old boy (seen in the picture below, to my left with his arm around my hip), rushed up to me and said: ” I enjoyed your talk.” From that moment on, for the next 90 minutes that I spent at the center this little youngster followed me around like a dedicated puppy.


Dr. Vie SuperKids South Africa
Dr. Vie SuperKids South Africa








Shortly thereafter, a teen (seen in the picture above on my right with the orange t-shirt) came to me and said: ” I want to get your book. I learned so much in your talk. All that you experienced as a teenager, we are now experiencing ourselves.”


I was truly touched by the love and kindness shown to me at this amazing event.  An elder came to me and touched my feet, I raised her and hugged her.


Now, after discussions with the head Gurus, we are planning to spearhead Dr. Vie SuperKids  South Africa at this Chatsworth center.  Guess who are going to be the leaders of this group? My two geniuses of course, the darling eleven year old and the young teen.


Stay tuned for further news on this event. In the interim here is the list of free talks I am providing:


Health Awareness for Seniors

Diabetes Organization at local hospitals and community centers

Heart and Stroke Foundation, at local hospital

Alzheimer’s Foundation at local hospital

Youth Program Inspiration

Life Line Train the Trainers Program

Training the Staff of Local Schools


Find all the secrets to the profound questions to life and all that I talk about and share,  in a handy guidebook that I have written: Taming The Female Impostor: Book of Secrets to Rescuing Humanity by starting with yourself first.


Please let me know  how I can help you while I am still in South Africa.


Lots of love




Dr. Vie


Planet Earth