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No time for social media saves the world

The “ No Time For”  ……  phenomenon is on the rise. How often have you heard some one use the line “But I have no time for …….”  Or “I had no time for …” How often have you personally said the words : “I have no time for…..” ? Well over the last few days I’ve been pondering on this NTF Syndrome as I’ve been in discussions with many humans during my live events and workshops and many times one on one. Did you know that this very statement carries a lot of weight… it is shaping the human race, our future and the future of our Planet. The question is : Are we on the right track as we make the statement: “ I have/had not time for ….” Well here is a real life experience shared with me by an elder.


No Time For ……

On a Saturday afternoon, a wealthy eldest son, stops by his aged mother’s home for a visit after not visiting for three months.

  • No, he does not live on another continent.
  • No, he does not live in an adjacent country.
  • No, he does not live in another State / Province.
  • No, he does not live in another city.

You guessed right. He lives in a mansion, just a few minutes drive from his mother’s tiny house. On that long awaited day, as he enters her home, his mother excitedly embraces and kisses him and she looks forward to precious time with him.

Scene 1

As he makes himself comfortable on the couch he pulls out his latest I Phone. Within a few minutes of necessities, observing the surroundings, he begins to revert to his mobile phone…as he pulls up pictures of people who have visited his home and shows the photos to his mother. She tries to recall who the people in the photos are, as the conversation steers towards the pictures.

No time for this is destroying Planet Earth
No time for quality bonding destroying Planet Earth






Scene 2

Just as with any mother, the mom rises and starts to prepare coffee and biscuits for her son. She asks:

“Why did you not come last weekend after saying you would. I prepared two of your favourite snacks and waited and waited. But you did not come.”

He replies:

“Oh we had a function to go to in the morning….. and had no time for visiting you.”

His mother says:

“I ate the snacks every day and finally finished eating the last one this morning.”

Scene 3

She serves him the piping hot coffee and biscuits, eagerly awaiting quality time with him.

As they sit around the old dining table, he reverts to his phone once again. This time to pull up videos of strangers engaged in pranks and videos of his family at a party at their home swimming pool.

At this stage his mother asks:

“Why do n’t you phone me ? At least call me once a week to ask if I am ok ?”

He replies:

“I have no time for calling you. I am so busy.”


Scene 4

He then reveals that his spouse’s relatives have a Group Chat on Whatsapp with about 50 members. Each day they text everything that the are doing to the rest of the group. He now knows what they are eating, what they are doing, where they are…etc. etc. etc.

To which his disappointed mom replies:

“In our senior group, our Chairman says that the Whatsapp should only be used for emergencies, and not all the time.”

Her son ignores her reply and continues on his trendy phone until he finally bids farewell and leaves her home.

Scene 5

The aged mom stands outside in the cold, waving and waving until she can no longer see the back of her son’s expensive vehicle, as it turns the corner and fades out of sight.

She returns to the couch, slowly sits down, and sighs with deep sadness as she wishes that he would have been caring enough to ask about her health, and to ask if she needed help with fixing that bedroom light that had just stopped working.



Now what do the above five scenes indicate?

What do you think the future of our world looks like in the hands of adults who are alienating themselves from real 1:1 everyday quality human communication?

In one of my recent workshops with a group of youth, one of the Brain Checks revealed this wish from the youth:

“We wish for our parents to stop being obsessed with their cell phones and spend more time on us.”

“We wish our parents would place restrictions on our social media usage.”


Let us put on our thinking caps and switch on our brain powers, humans. We need to harness the power of being human, first and foremost. We are now living in a world driven by technology. We are driven by technology. Alas we do not realize that

The very shift is in fact damaging to our own human powers.

We are becoming socially incompetent, profoundly lacking in compassion, and deeply entranced in a state of unconsciousness.


We cannot SEE (from my Guide Book of Secrets to Rescuing Humanity  what every woman and man must know) the reality, the life, the wonder of being kind to the ones who raised us, and nurtured us.

In many cases these elders gave away their personal fortunes to us so that we can be happy, even though they live in less than optimal living quarters and we live in mansions. Sometimes, we live in what was once their mansion!

One elder woman revealed to me that her wealthy son and daughter-in-law had forced her to give them her home after her husband died.  She now lives in the tiny “out-house” in the back yard waiting out her time to pass on.



I am constantly amazed by the number of humans who are faltering to the side of negative actions, compromised brain power and false identities.

  1. We must make the time for putting a stop to our personal downfall.
  2. We must make the time for preventing our powerful Self from being taken down the path of devolution.
  3. We must make the time for developing our Selves as soon as possible before we devolve to such a state of abyss that we cannot SEE our nose on our face let alone the reality of our surroundings.


As always, I encourage you, if you are one of those who are

  1. fed up with the false ways of those around you,
  2. fed up with corruption,
  3. fed up with lies,
  4. fed up with hatred,
  5. fed up with greed,
  6. fed up with lack of humanity,
  7. fed up with the way our world is going

Please join my inspirational events either live in your city or online via lives stream and be motivated to realize that all is not lost.

We, you and like minded people can firstly empower our mind, restore the immense limitless power of goodness within us and rise to the occasion.

The world needs us to rescue it from the dire straits that it is in right now. Our youth are waiting patiently for us to rise to the occasion and be the amazing adults that we really are. Our Planet Earth is waiting for us to rescue it from all the negativity and destruction that is going on in the human mind.

The time for self development is NOW

Click on the button below or on the side bar for more information on how you can make a difference within your Self and the world. I encourage you to watch the numerous videos of so many like minded people who are joining the movement to be Super Conscious and rescue humanity.

I look forward to meeting you soon, in my live events or live stream events.




Lots of love, always

Dr. Vie

Author, Scientist, Humanitarian, Youth Mentor, Inspirational Speaker, SuperFoods Pioneer

Founder of Dr. Vie Super Conscious Humanity Movement.