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Dr. Vie inspires 1200 kids ages 6 to 14 to be SuperKids of Africa

Dr. Vie continued her whirl wind free inspirational talks across South Africa the past week motivating thousands of children, diabetes 1 patients, heart and stroke patients, doctors, nurses, caregivers and also Church goers.


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“Dr. Vie gave us simple explanations that we can understand, ” says a woman who was in the crowd.












“Dr. Vie helped me understand that I must heal myself also so I can better  help my Mother who has Alzheimer’s,” says a daughter who attended the talk.

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Dr-Vie-inspires-1200-kids-ages 6 to 14 to be Super Kids-of-Africa










“We learned that we should not bully,” said kids at the primary school.










“We learned to reduce our stress,”  says attendee at the Heart and Stroke talk.










“I am inspired,” says a gentleman who also heard Dr.Vie on the radio and showed up at the Type 1 Diabetes talk.

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“I learned what not to eat for breakfast in the morning,”says kids who attended the one-on-one workshop.











“I have so much emotional issues, and Dr. Vie’s talk today was so inspirational and helped me so much,” says one of the Church goers.
Catch up Dr. Vie’s free inspirational talks in Africa last week by clicking here



Find more details about how to change your life in Dr. Vie’s  new book, a beginners guide:  Taming The Female Impostor: Book of Secrets to Rescuing Humanity by starting with yourself first. . This fascinating book is 292 pages and through fables and science reveals the root cause of personal problems, the Impostor syndrome,  in physical health and emotional health. Then access 15 powerful natural techniques to  return your body and mind to a state of good health and happiness so you can find happiness in intimacy, family, relationships, food and nourishment, social life, work, relaxation and introspection.


Through the book  tap into your inner will power, self confidence and inner courage and shape your future whether you are male or female.   Click here to subscribe to my Dr. Vie TV channel and view snippets of my free inspirational talks


Do contact Dr. Vie to inspire your groups anywhere in the world. She is here to serve you.


Lots of love and hugs,




Dr. Vie (V)


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