What if you could monitor your daily life progress, would you fine tune your next action so you take two steps forward? Well, my dear reader, most people say “Yes of course I would!” Mmm….this seems logical right! Well let us dive deeper into this fascinating new Express Life Scale.
Imagine, a 38 year old single mother, Janet, who is working two shifts to make ends meet. She arrives home in the early hours of the morning, drags herself to bed and falls off to sleep. Almost immediately, or so it seems, she hears a door close shut. Janet leaps out of bed, rushes to the kitchen and as she peers out the window, sees the school bus in the distance. She had “over-slept” and her ten year old Tommy had left without breakfast! She sinks onto the kitchen floor, sobbingly intensely.
Similarly, in the adjacent posh neighborhood, 39 year old Molly, turns over in bed, her head aching from the hang-over from last night, as she hears her then year old son run out to the school bus that had just arrived. Lenny boards the bus, not having eaten breakfast.
Two kids left to school that morning, without breakfast because their Mom’s did not get out of bed on time. Yet, we know that the women’s situations are different. Just like when you get onto a scale after starting a weight loss regiment and working out at the gym strenuously each day. It seems as if the number on the scale has not changed, and in some cases appears to increase!
This is where the #ExpressLifeScale comes into play…
It’s like knowing where the number on the scale actually comes from. Its’s like the teacher at school knowing the exact reason why each of boy’s were not fed breakfast that morning.
How will the ELS add value to your life? What if you could balance your life, so that you do not lose track of the essence of life – to feel loved and to love. So the ELS scores seven main areas of your life, so that you can feel truly liberated by knowing that you are on track with the grand purpose of life. Well, where does the ELS score come from and what is measured? Excellent question, it tells me that you are really thinking this through. No pun intended, but all the numbers come through the Life Profile which is a detailed look into the seven areas of your life: relationships, family, nourishment, social life, work, relaxation and inner contentment.
Why do you need it? It’s like a cool checklist, to help you assess your day and help you focus on what really matters, so at the end of the day you can say “Mmmm….now that was a well-lived day.” Or at the end of this life you can say: ” Mmm…that was a well-lived life.” So if you want peace of mind, a better life, or a better living environment, or the ultimate, a better world, then you will benefit from the Express Life Scale.
So, shortly, my book Taming The Female Impostor – Book of Secrets to Rescuing Humanity – a beginner’s guide will be out world wide in soft and hard cover and in e-formats. The book goes into the details of how you can “up your score” on the ELS. With the book, you get your free Life Profile so that you know where you score on the ELS.
In the meantime, I have contrived a short series of videos, all 100% free to introduce you to the ELS so that you can start to use it ASAP in your daily life and try it out of yourself. Incidentally, one lucky person will win a cool, stainless steel portable water filter that I also use during my expeditions. Another lucky winner will get the book as a gift!
So why wait a moment longer, check out the short introductory video below then, click to go to Upcoming Book to learn more about the Book and the free Express Life Scale – which is featured within a fun, series called the Great Rescue Adventure…simple enough for kids but great for beginners. All free for you, as we embrace the world with love.
So I shall see you in the Adventure..
Love always
Dr. Vie
Globe Trotting Adventurer
Planet Earth
Click here to tour THE EXPRESS LIFE SCALE FOR FREE and win healthy gifts along the way.