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Inner peace challenges of four women

Join the monthly live stream series on  inner peace to world peace. Given everything going on today….what is the future going to look like for you, for loved ones and the rest of humanity?

Yolanda, once in a high profile position, struck by brain tumor,  uses horses to transform her life and helps fellow humans find their purpose.

Dr. Vie, at age 16 escapes death at the hands of a soldier, lives a nomadic live, solo for +25 years in 6 countries, helping fellow humans find inner peace.

Inner peace challenge with two women, one with brain tumor, the other a nomad.

Inner peace challenge with two women, whose paths intertwined over 10,000 km.

What brings these women together is the same hope and wish for humanity TO LIVE WITHOUT ANXIETY, WORRY, PAIN, DEPRESSION, FEAR…..

So many youth and adults are unhappy today….there’s so much mental illness, physical problems, and violence in the world…


We all yearn for a peaceful world…if only our world could be peaceful…we are even horrified of the attacks in our communities, or in other countries.

But we are also yearning…for inner peace…if only we could live joyful and happy lives. We want to…but we can keep dreaming about it…or make it a reality. 

What is inner peace?

Is it possible for you to have inner peace?

How can you find inner peace in your life?

Who out there is finding their inner peace?

This free  live stream series is just about that.

From a high profile job, to a brain tumor, to working with horses…..​​​​​

Yolanda, a Senior Human Resource Executive who has worked extensively and internationally in 15 different countries. Yolanda is a professional coach who inspires people to connect with the latent leadership qualities within themselves. Her unique technique of using horses to teach leadership and emotional intelligence, is a catalyst that allows people to take charge of their lives, to find their purpose, and to draw upon their own gifts and talents, to become their authentic selves.

Here is a short extract from the live stream…be sure to join weekly live streams or watch the full replay by clicking the button below.

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Hello my dear, I’m your host Dr. Vie. And I’m here to invite you to our upcoming live stream series on Inner Peace To World Peace.

The event is about a very important question.

Is it possible for us to feel inner peace, given the volatile, busy, complicated, AND MOST OFTEN hurtful world we live in?

The larger topic of peaceful living and a peaceful world is what our live streams have always been about, and now because of all the negativity in the world, and the escalation in unhappy, depressed, angry and violent youth and adults, we must attend to this topic at its very root….

Too much hatred, too much violence, too much struggle, too many deadlines, too much pressure…we wish for a safer, peaceful world out there…it’s not going to happen unless we do something about it…within our selves first.

  • But how did it happen that things have gotten so out of control?
  • How come we feel so disturbed?
  • Can we put a stop to our negative emotions?
  • But how can we feel inner peace in our daily lives?

I’ve mentored tens of thousands of youth …in private schools and most often in townships with no running water and no toilets….and I know a peaceful world is possible, not by the solutions given to us…but by something else.. 

In this live stream, let us come together…instead of worrying…let us engage in this conversation and learn how to transform our selves, and any future adults whom we care for…because it is up to us to restore love, compassion and peace in our world.

Please join this free live stream….and please share…we need a peaceful world…and we can start by paying  it forward.

I speak from experience…not only from mentoring children and youth…but because I’ve also shared insights with many, many parents, grandparents, educators, employers and medical professionals...and this I know for sure, the hope for a better world is within the children and focused adults.

When youth go astray….they turn into emotionally imbalanced adults

Too many youth are feeling alienated, alone, rejected, troubled, suicidal, vengeful, and angry….they need our help…or soon they will be adults…very, very, very dangerous adults…leaving behind sad and sorrowful parents and families.

But for us to help the young or those around us, we our selves need to live in a peaceful state…but do we?

Why it’s crucial for adults to strive for inner peace?

 And I’m here to invite you to our series of live streams that’s all about how we can go from inner peace to world peace.

Because as you know there’s so much of struggle, and strife going on in our world today. And I’m sure, just like me, you want to live in a world that is peaceful.

How lovely that would be, to live in a world where we are not afraid of our fellow human Beings.

In these live streams you become part of the conversation by sending in your questions.

Meet our guest for the upcoming session: From Brain Tumor To Inner Peace

“Hello, my name is Yolanda and I’m speaking to you all the way from South Africa. I’m on a live stream with Dr. Vie and the topic is “From Inner Peace To World Peace.”We live in a world that is increasingly uncertain,increasingly complex, and increasingly volatile.And the question we’re going to explore on the live stream is this:Is it possible to have inner peace?Is it possible to stay connected to source?Is it possible to control our egos when the whole world is around lack, limitation, fear and scarcity.”

Yolanda’s journey from a high profile job, to a brain tumor, to working with horses and striving for inner peace in a part of the world troubled by violence….will inspire you …in this live stream that is an interactive one.

And already, here are some of the questions that are coming in from those who are signing up for the secrets to inner peace.

Here is one question  from a young man in USA

“My name is Bim, and the question I’d like to put out there is:  Knowing the circumstances of the world right now, would someone still ask to be born in this world? Yes or no, and why?” The overall arching question for me, is the future. Is the world going to get worse or better?”


“How Do We Stop The Politicians From Creating More Wars?”

Here’s  question from France

“I like feeling strong emotions ! Do you have to forget these emotions in order to feel inner peace?”


“Why is there so much unhappiness in our world? So much negativity?”


“How can we learn to keep things in perspective? Even in our own personal lives, all things can’t be the same value. Aren’t some things more important than others?”

Well my dear’s…

We are here so that we can transform our world to be a peaceful one and we’ve got to ask serious questions… 

Aren’t you tired of the hatred, the vengeful acts, the inequality, the strife, the struggle, the violence, the terrorism, the pain that so many of us are going through?

Whether we live in first world countries, like USA, Canada, UK, Australia, or whether we live in developing nations like South Africa, or whether we live in places where people don’t have food to eat and there is famine…Everyone is suffering.

Most of us today are unhappy. Even those who are wealthy, those who have all the money in the world, are still unfulfilled.

Something is not working.

Something is not working when Gurus and Leaders are so corrupt that we cannot trust them anymore.That we cannot trust them with our well Being anymore.

What is going on in the world, where lying and cheating has become the norm?

Who can we trust?

It’s no wonder that our children are feeling alienated, depressed, suicidal, vengeful, violent. And they are growing up to be violent adults.

Where do you think these unstable adults come from?

  • Whether it is your neighbour.
  • Whether it is your best friend.
  • Whether it is your colleague.
  • Whether it is a CEO of a company.

The person who is angry, who has so much of hatred, that they can plot against others,  lash out at other people….Where do you think it all comes from?

These are people who we know, or who we’ve seen, or we’ve interacted with in some way. Where does all their anger stem from?

Is it from a center of intelligence?

This is why, today more than ever, we need to strive for inner peace. Because unless we have inner peace, we can never ever have a world that is peaceful. We can never ever feel joy and bliss in our lives.And that vicious cycle will just continue.

Isn’t it time that we functioned as highly evolved, highly intelligent humans?

Mm? I think it is.

So if you are interested in the world being a peaceful, joyful, blissful place….please join us in these live streams and interact.

Because only by interacting, sending in your questions, and becoming involved, that we can transform our world.

Let’s “Be the change we want to see in the world,” as Mahatma Gandhi once said.

It’s so true today as well as it is everyday.I encourage you, find that sign up button, wherever it is.At the bottom somewhere, or on the right, left, or is it left right? Or maybe somewhere on the top.

Find it, send in your questions.

Share the link with everyone. Invite as many people as we can.

Because this is how we transform our world.


So please remember, share, join, interact…Let us be part of the solution.

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Please if you are concerned about world peace…then you cannot ignore the only way to rescue humanity…with raising our children well….

Do join us in this interactive event and send in your comments, feedback and most of all your burning questions so we can transform our world by starting with our Selves. We must heal our Selves first.

Find that link and register right away.

With lots of love, I’m your host Dr. Vie. 

Do share this post with everyone, by clicking on the Share buttons above. The more peaceful humans around you, in your network, city, country…..the joyful your life gets and the faster we transform the world to one you will love living in.

Remember to sign up for my weekly live streams and interact, send in your questions, comment…get your questions answered.

See you soon…lots of love, always, V.

Don’t forget. 

Dr. Vie

I hope the article sparked your inner creativity. Do comment below. Remember I am here to support you. Send me an email or message me and I shall connect with you. Do join my VIP lists for exclusive invites to my events, seminars, books & more. BE what you are. Lots of love, always, Dr. V

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