You are currently viewing Super Conscious Training In Africa by Dr. Vie
Dr. Vie-SuperConscious-Womens-Seminar-Africa

My week has been filled with loving energies from hundreds of people in South Africa during my free inspirational Super Conscious talks and training programs. I am truly excited to discover their determination to be better people and to make a difference in the lives of others. You see the past week has been quite a powerful one around the globe. Let me take you through my adventures this past week.


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Dr. Vie-SuperConscious-Womens-Seminar-Africa









For all my loyal followers, you know my love of mountains, so last  Saturday was my day to explore the magnificent Drakensberg. Oh the fresh air, and the pristine mountains energized me as I was followed by beautiful brightly colored butterflies even as I climbed up chain ladders and swung off chain ropes and waded into the icy cold Tugela River, just as it emerged from the Mont Aux Sources with the backdrop of large baboons racing up the rock faces and their shrill sounds piercing the air.


The Sunday afternoon, I was filled with positive energies when I addressed a large gathering of truly amazing women in Karwashatown, as they joined me in expanding their consciousness. What a group of energized women! These women are focused on helping their communities and spreading peace throughout the nation. I was blessed to be hugged and cradled by them and left with a special gift from them a lovely “blue scarf”  which I used that Tuesday night.


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Dr. Vie-Inspirational-Talk-Diabetes-Africa









The Monday  morning found me on the South Coast Toti, as I shared the life energies of a large crowd of men and women who were eager to better their lives. Hosted by Diabetes South Africa. Even more hugs and blessing were showered onto me and I was soaring even higher with energy. Another gift was bestowed on me…a hand beaded knife.


Well the week was only just beginning as Tuesday morning found me surrounded by the eager staff of Life Line, as I started their 3 day Super-Conscious Training workshop Level One. What an amazing group of staff, from drivers, housekeepers, to peer educators and community workers. These young men and women go deep into the most “at-risk” communities in South Africa and help protect them and teach them new skills to improve their lives. These workers have taken on the “right jobs” as they make a difference in their countries by improving the lives of their fellow brothers and sisters in the streets. By the end of day 3, there were 10 happy graduates of Dr. Vie Super Conscious course!


Dr. Vie 3 day Super Conscious-Training Course for Life Line staff in Africa
Dr. Vie 3 day Super Conscious-Training Course for Life Line staff in Africa










After Tuesday morning’s session I headed off to the HillCrest Hospital Diabetes Association for a Tuesday  evening inspirational super conscious talk to a group of excited men and women. Such profound questions and such enthusiasm for life! More hugs were received by moi!


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Dr. Vie-SuperConscious-Training-Diabetes-Hillcrest Hospital-Africa










By this time it was just past 20:00 as I headed off for my next talk in the middle of Chatsworth. Shivarathri is an auspicious event throughout the world, a just over 1 billion people gather to meditate for inner peace and world peace. I was truly blessed to provide two talks to two such gathering places in Africa that night. The first one was in a devotional center in Chatsworth that was over flowing with hundreds of devotees as they prepared to meditate from 18:00 that night to 06:00 the next morning. The vibrations were so high that you could easily tap into your super-consciousness just by sitting still and closing your eyes. The head Guru and rest of the Gurus showered me with so much love…and then I met up with Ajay a young man who impressed me during my previous visit to the center. We are now arranging for a SuperConscious Youth Gathering next weekend, of course steered by Ajay.


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Dr. Vie-SuperConscious-talk-Shivarathri-night Africa









Around 22:00 I addressed another large gathering of Shivarathri devotees at a second location on the East Coast, where the vibrations were once again very high. The Gurus were guiding the devotees into the sequences observed throughout the globe as a billion people meditated on world peace. I was blessed to share my super conscious insights once again during the auspicious event.


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Dr. Vie-Shivarathri-night of meditation and Super Consciousness-Africa









The Wednesday  morning found me full of energy to complete the 2nd day of my training workshop for Life Line as my students shared with me their experiences as they practiced a Super Conscious technique that I had shared with them the night before.  Each of them had incredible insights to share as they too had tapped into the very profound energy of super consciousness that had wrapped Planet Earth the night before.


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That Wednesday  evening I shared my insights with yet another group brought together by Diabetes Africa as we gathered at a Netcare Hospital in Northern Coast.  Tomorrow Thursday, I address 350 school aged kids!


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Dr. Vie-Inspirational-Talk-Netcare-Hospital









Well as you can see the past week has been so amazing that I have no words to aptly describe my experiences and state of Super Consciousness. Do also see my previous post on Reversing Depression  to catch up on my previous week )


All I can say is if you want to access my insights, you will find it all in my handy beginners guide: Find all the secrets to the profound questions to life and all that I talk about and share during my talks,  in a handy guidebook that I have written: Taming The Female Impostor: Book of Secrets to Rescuing Humanity by starting with yourself first. . This guide book is 292 pages and reveals the root cause of personal problems, the Impostor syndrome,  in physical health and emotional health. Then you discover 15 powerful natural techniques to  return your body and mind to a state of good health and happiness so you can find happiness in intimacy, family, relationships, food and nourishment, social life, work, relaxation and introspection.  You learn how to tap into your inner will power, self confidence and inner courage and shape your future whether you are male or female.


Click here to subscribe to my Dr. Vie TV channel and view snippets of my free inspirational talks

More free inspirational talks are planned for schools, youth, Alzheimer’s Association, Heart and Stroke Association, Sai, Divine Life and more this month. Do contact me and attend.

Do contact me to inspire your groups anywhere in the world. I am here to serve you.



Lots of love and hugs,




Dr. Vie (V)


Planet Earth


Our Great Cosmos