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Be Inspired to live your best life. Personal Transformation with Dr. Vie

Thousands of South Africans gathered at various spiritual sites in league with millions of Indians around the globe, to participate in one of the most powerful spiritually charged events of the year. It is with deep gratitude that I can now share with you my series of events over the past few days.

In the latter part of the week I was invited to inspire the teachers and staff of a school for the disabled, in the surrounding areas of Ethekwini. The minute I entered this very special school, I was pampered with such wonderful hospitality…the staff had prepared delightful goodies that they served with tea. As I had already eaten my meal, I received a lovely take home box filled with the Indian delights! The children from the school presented me with a hand made chain for my spectacles and a hand made key holder. The school has an impressive system of caring for and educating kids with a variety of cognitive and physical disabilities including autism. As I set up my presentation in the large meeting room, we were rudely reminded of the power outages now prevalent in South Africa. Yes, the electricity was cut plunging us into darkness and depriving us of tools for the seminar.

The School Deputy Principal and staff began to panic as they were worried about how I would react. Of course, for those of you who know me…having the bare minimum to go on, was just up my alley! I assured everyone that needed was nothing…and that we already had all that was needed for the seminar, as we dashed around to open the windows and throw some light into the large room. The staff quickly gathered in a large semi circle and I launched into the talk. I of course was a teacher of the multiple handicapped child in my previous career! Yes, been there, done that! So as the questions were pouring in, I guided the staff to their realizations of what truly matters, given the high amount of emotional energy needed for their work. You see these amazing souls were actually in the right type of work, helping humanity, out of sheer love. The best type of work. Several teachers bought my book Book of Secrets to Rescuing Humanity and a kind benefactor donated a book to the school library.

Dr Vie Training The Teachers at School for Disabled, Africa
Dr Vie Training The Teachers at School for Disabled, Africa







I was truly blessed to share those hours with such a blessed group of men and women who were dedicating their lives to bringing joy to the disabled child and their parents who entrust their children to these caregivers, from teachers, to teacher’s aid to bus drivers. May they be well and tap into their highest life potential.


As the weekend came along I was blessed to share my life experiences with the devotees who were preparing for one of the most spiritually charged annual events held in the Indian community, called Kavadi.  The purpose of which is to detoxify the body and cleanse the mind over 14 days, and with a purified body and mind, tap into their highest life potential that allows the devotees to carry the Kavadi (a curved wooden structure )or to pull large chariots with strings attached through 108  piercings on the body.  This is no easy task for even body builders.  I addressed the crowd of devotees the night before the big event.  A young man approached me after the talk and said: “I had come to the gathering with a heavy heart, and had a burning question, and you gave me the answer in your talk, without me even asking you.”  This is really the power of the human spirit, to tap into our highest potential and stimulate that power within others whom we touch through our words or deeds.  Many other highly spiritual devotees including a Yogi who had recently returned from India, engaged me in advanced discussions as we sat cross legged on the tiled floor in the Shakti gathering area.


That night as the devotees prepared their Kavadis and Chariots, the lights went out again as the load shedding was enforced, yet in dim light hundreds of people continued until the wee hours of the morning.  The next day, thousands of people assembled in the massive garden/grounds, in scorching heat, to witness people tapping into their highest life potential, free, free of all the man made purpose of life, free of all things unnatural and finally being one with their true nature. No Impostors were in sight for those who were focused on the pure power of their true self.  These are the people who will make a difference in their lives, in their families, in the communities and the world.


So once again, from the depths of Africa, in South Africa, I continue to experience the power of the human spirit, overcoming obstacles, facing challenges and achieving inner peace.  For it is only when we as humans can experience inner peace can we really spread peace around us, in our close knit families in our communities, in our nations and ultimately in our world. We go from inner peace to world peace as we tap into our highest of life potential.


Why? Because we finally tame that Impostor who continually poses as us, making us hide the real us, and making us succumb to a man made purpose of life.  Yet we can tame that Impostor and return to our real purpose of life which is to allow humanity to evolve to its next advanced state of existence, far more conscious than humans.

Find all the secrets to the profound questions to life and all that I talk about and share,  in a handy guidebook that I have written: Taming The Female Impostor: Book of Secrets to Rescuing Humanity by starting with yourself first.  . This guide book is 292 pages and reveals the root cause of the individual and global crises that we are now facing because of fear to be who we really are.  Then you discover 15 powerful natural techniques to tame that negative force, that Impostor, and return your body and mind to a state of good health and happiness. You can find your inner peace and make a difference in our world.

It is you who shapes your future.


Lots of love,




Dr. Vie


Planet Earth, Our Great Cosmos,