Read more about the article The Search To Be A Better Human?
Dr. Vie SuperConscious Workshop

The Search To Be A Better Human?

Does the thought of being a better human fascinate you? If it does, then you are truly a special Being. Within your body, your brain is functioning at a different level from those around you.  Your thoughts are beginning to explore higher states of consciousness. Your mind is closer to your true Self. You, the SEE, are thrilled by the latent yet vibrant magnetism of nature. But are you alone in your quest to be a better human?

Searching To Be A Better Human 

How many others are there akin to you?

How many others also want to be the best human that they possibly can be in this lifetime?

If you are surrounded by others who also are striving to be the best human possible, then you are for sure blessed. But alas, for most people, they may be the solitary one who is seeking to strive for the highest form of consciousness, which is super consciousness.


Are You The Only One In Your Group Who Wants To Be A Better Human ?

If this is the case, what happens to the seeker ?

Moreover why are those around the seeker not also seeking to evolve to higher states of existence?

These are the questions that surface time and time again as I meet hundreds of thousands of humans as I continue my adventures around our great home, Planet Earth.


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Read more about the article Human Rights Day Exploited For Entertainment
Human Rights Day 2016 with Dr. Vie

Human Rights Day Exploited For Entertainment

How sad when Human Rights Day is exploited for fun, entertainment and a family outing. I’ve witnessed a major event that started off with the right theme, told the right story and shared the right message with video, followed by a play with actors and actresses but then quickly disintegrated into a focus on songs, dance, feasting, drinking, smokes and entertainment…sadly with a well known celebrity  (who is worshiped by fans) not interested in how to put a stop to human trafficking, suffering and destruction of humanity. Yet within all of the staging, one message was ardently clear: The reason for human trafficking, suffering and destruction of humanity was made clear...most of the audience themselves were responsible. Most but not all…for within every such crowd there will be at least one person who will see the light. For this reason there is hope to rescue humanity from the perilous path it is now on. All it takes is one person in a crowd. Just one. One.

Dr. Vie Human Rights Day 2016
Dr. Vie Human Rights Day March 2016


One attendee who was listening closely to my talk asked me a poignant question just as I was packing up:

Dr. Vie how do we become Super Conscious? 

He was a young Black man (S) who took the time to introduce himself and engage me in a meaningful discussion of how we can transform humanity…he is now eager on bringing together a group of youth so that I can guide them to Super Consciousness. (more…)

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