Yogic Science to the rescue of humanity and Planet Earth
Yogic Science to the rescue of humanity and Planet Earth

Doctor Vie
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Yogic science is the most ancient of sciences known to humanity. But does this refer to Yoga ? To be clear, the Yoga that I refer to herein the article, is not as we know of it today as the commercialized activity focused on the physical material body but, is the union with the very essence of your true Self, your real Self identity which is coded to support humane actions of compassion, equality and love.

Yogic science is the crème de la crème that provides validity and credence to the ancient fundamentals of Yoga. Knowledge of the ancient science behind Yoga,  boosts the well being of any human, be it one practicing Yoga asanas and Yoga pranayama (Hatha Yoga) or any human who wishes to expand it’s conscious awareness, to experience it’s essential nature and benefit from a fulfilling life.

The promise of  science of Yoga may sound lofty, albeit proven to be absolutely necessary today in a world where most humans have lost sense of their self identity and suffer from lack of self confidence, self esteem, self respect and self courage.   Now, in this interesting series of articles I guide you through an enlightening exploration of how the fundamental ancient discoveries are more pertinent and more needed today than ever before. (Do read each of the articles in this series to truly understand your role in rescuing humanity and restoring Planet Earth to its natural code.)

Why Do We Need To Even Consider The Ancient Discoveries Of Yogic Science In A Modern Society Today ?

Following decades of my global experiences with our fellow Beings, across a variety of religions, scientific fields, traditional beliefs and countless notions of the nature of reality, one thing is for certain:

We are at a stage of human evolution (negatively, as it appears to be the case today) where more and more of wise humans are questioning every aspect of our day to day living, in an effort to seek a better understanding of who we really are and what our true purpose of life really is.

Given the growing search for Self understanding, Self development and a better life around the world, we cannot continue to ignore the current abysmal state of the human mind any longer. Look around you and witness for yourself the:

  • increase in the destructive nature of people,
  • increase in man made diseases, and
  • simultaneous decrease in our natural environment.

Each of these three atrocities is a blatant symptom of a compromised mind, a mind that we are no longer in control of. Additionally, these symptoms indicate that we no longer recognize and know who we really are. In other words we are living our lives as if we are something other than our real humane Self. 

We have lost sense of Who We Really Are

Rather than live as compassionate, loving, peaceful, wise humans who embrace all of humanity and nurture all of nature’s manifestations, we live our lives focused on material gain, ego boosts, and domination of fellow humans and our natural environment.  We are far off from our real identity.

Cook’s Advice To Duke Ellington Still Holds True Today

Will Cook,   had advised Duke Ellington (famous Jazz player):

“First you find the logical way, and when you find it, avoid it, and let your inner Self break through and guide you. Do n’t try to be anybody but your Self.” from DUKE: The Life Of Duke Ellington, by Terry Teachout Gotham Books

How did this happen?

I trace the root cause of the demise of humanity to what I call the Impostor Syndrome in my book and all of my work around the globe.

For this reason, we must seek a fuller understanding of how we as a human race must proceed on macro, micro and quantum levels to first and foremost rescue our own personal selves from the negative impact of the current world we live in, the Impostor Syndrome. The first step is to regain control over our mind and restore our real identity. We must return to Being who we really are.

But how can we restore our powerful self identity in a world ravaged by lust for material and sensual comforts, power and dominance?

Continued….Secrets to Mind Control and Self Identity Revealed Over 10,000 years ago



CONTINUED IN PARTS 2, 3, 4. Click Here:

 Series on Rescuing Humanity Click to read:
Part 1: Yogic science
Part 2: Humanity
Part 3: Spirituality
Part 4: Mindfulness


Dr. Vie
Do Connect


Taming The Female Impostor. Your Protector is ready to empower you.
Yogic Science To Your Rescue: How Women Can Tame Their Impostor And Save The World.

Regaining Control Over Your Mind events

Do join my upcoming live stream Rescuing Humanity sessions or live workshops and retreats around our Planet, be it in India, North Americas, South Africa or Dubai where I delve into the step by step Yogic secrets to taming your Impostor, regaining control over your mind and shaping your future to yield you a life of contentment.

Contact me for more details. I am here to support you in your life journey. You deserve to live your life fully conscious.

Lots of love,


Dr. Vie

Planet Earth in our Great Cosmos

Your Guide, Author, Yogic Scientist, Humanitarian, Youth Mentor, Inspirational Speaker, SuperFoods Pioneer

Founder of Dr. Vie Super Conscious Humanity Movement



Series on Rescuing Humanity Click to read:
Part 1: Yogic science
Part 2: Humanity
Part 3: Spirituality
Part 4: Mindfulness


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